Den 5 Puppet show
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- Indiana Jones (Cameron)
- Batman (Aidan)
- The Joker (Dillon)
- Two-Face (no one yet)
- Mutt Williams (Reed)
- Short Round (Jorge)
- Penguin (Nathan)
- Commissioner Gordon (Ryder)
- Ronald McDonald, also narrator (Skyler)
Scene 1: Jungle
- Narrator: "Batman and Commissioner Gordon are in the jungle getting the Crystal Skull."
- Commissioner Gordon: "We are looking for the crystal skull."
- Short Round (sings)
- Batman "It'll fetch a food price in Gotham."
- Pinocchio (appears)
- Commissioner: "You're not in this story."
- Pinocchio: "But I just wanted to be a real boy... Scout."
- Short Round goes and gets Indiana Jones and Mutt.
- Short Round "They got the skull."
- Indiana JOnes: Hey, let's go steal it."
- Leave with Batwing on ocean
Scene 2: Bahamas
- Narrator: "Inidana Jones, Mutt Williams, and Short Round followd the Duo to the Bahamas."
- scampi
- Joker runs a bad-guy convenience store
- Indiana asks for help with the Skull.
Indy leaves Bahamas
Penguin follows from ocean
Scene 3: Gotham City
- Narrator: "Batman and Commissioner Gordon have arrived in Gotham City. The Commissioner has gone to his office, so the Joker attempts to get Batman to give to him the Crystal Skull."
- Joker: "Can I have the Skull?"
- Batman: "No."
- Joker: "Please?"
- Batman: "No."
- Joker: "Pretty please?"
- Batman: "No."
- Joker: "Pretty please with sugar on it?"
- Batman: "What kind of sugar?"
- Joker: "Cinnamon."
- Batman: "No. It makes me sneeze."
- Joker: "Okay. This guy goes into a bar."
- Batman: "I've heard that one."
- Joker (loud and mean): "Why so serious?"
- Batman: "Because your jokes are so bad. You need to go on a Scout campout and learn some good potty skits. Ever heard Bow No Move?"
- Joker: "I'll have to learn that one."
- Batman: "Here, take this medication and come back in a week."
- Joker (leaves, sad)
Indiana Jones goes to Gotham to get it with helpers
Scene 4: Batcave
Narrator: "Indiana Jones found the way to the Batcave."
- Indy finds the Cave, takes the skull
- Batman chases Indy with Batmobile
- Indiana Jones "I hate caves"
- Boulder chases Indiana
- Narrator: "The Joker has filled Batman's wheels with laughing gas."
- Indy starts laughing
Penguin pops Batmobile tire
All tires fall off, Geico appearance
"Should have got Geico"
Scene 5: McDonald's
- Ronald is the Joker's brother
- "This beef is good."
- "I'm lovin' it"
- Short Round: "I want a happy meal; they have Lego Batman."
- Batman "Cool. We're famous."
- "I don't have enough money."
- Joker: "Some guy named Bow said not to take any medicine, especially when they say, come back in a week."
- Mutt: "I hate puppet shows"
- Commissioner Gordon: "Where's Robin? He's at Jack In The Box. Says that clown is funnier."
"You have the Crystal Skull. Use it to pay for lunch."
Ronald: "We just take cash here. Do I need to call the cops?"
Short Round lines "Whoa! Crash landing!" "Short Round, step on it!" "Hold on to your potatoes." "Fortune and glory"
"I want one."
Ronald: "I need some help back here. Brother"
"Talk to the hand."
- COmmissioner Gordon: "I think my arteries just clogged
- Ronald McDonald: "And you thought this was face paint; it's poor circulation."
what to toss to the audience? candy